Short Film : Shooting and testing #1

Here we shot the dialogue between B2 and Girl on a two shot. It cold very cold very quickly at the Leeds Uni, so we had to get warm after finishing the two shots. We then went to The Ship to test shooting the meeting of B2 and Girl.  The meeting is inspired by the very first scene of the movie Fallen Angels (1995). Here is a link to the full movie on YouTube but the scene I am speaking about happens about 20 seconds into the video.


This scene was shot with a very wide angle lens, maybe 18mm, very close to the subject. I want to use this framing because the wide angle “distort distances along the z axis, making them appear longer than they actually are”. And a long lens does the exact opposite, closing distances and squashing everything close together. I want to create a sense of distance between B2 and Girl when they first meet, just like the sense of distance and separation that is felt between these two characters in the beginning scene of Fallen Angels( Turn CC subtitles on when watching this beginning scene! ).

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