Pinhole Artist Research : Ilan Wolff

Pinhole artist Ilan Wolff creates beautiful images with funky distortions by curving and bending the color paper that he mainly uses to shoot with. He is another photographer who pushes the artistic possibilities of the simple, homemade pinhole camera.

“Since 1981 Ilan Wolff has specialised in creating photographs using the Camera Obscura technique with cameras made from old boxes or cans.  Nowadays he mainly uses his van and ordinary room interiors to create large images. Since 1993 Ilan Wolff has been giving regular workshops in Pin Hole photography with the Camera Obscura and using photographic emulsion to create images on different surfaces.” -Ilan Wolff biography



There are thousands of pictures of the Eifel tower, many of which probably has a 100 others which look just the same, but there will only be one that looks like this..
Same goes for this absolutely stunning picture of the over-photographed Brooklyn Bridge

I never knew these imposing imageries were possible with a pinhole camera. In fact, they are only possible with a pinhole camera.

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